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Games and activities

In Särkänniemi, you will find lots of activities as well as carnival games and arcade games to make your day here an exciting one!

Games & activities

Two women in front of Särkänniemi's Roulette game wearing yellow jackets.


Families and teenagers enjoy spending time in Särkänniemi which is a real gamer’s paradise! You can play numerous carnival and arcade games where Lady Luck’s favour and an accurate throwing arm decide the end result. You can test your skills for example by beating moles to your heart’s content in a game of Whack-a-mole or grab a sure prize in String Pull.

Pieni lapsi Särkänniemen Keidas-vesielämysalueella.

Oasis Water Experience

The new water experience is a great place to play in between riding the rides. Bring your own swinsuit!

Kaksi tyttöä leikkii Särkänniemen leikkipuistossa.


In the playground, you'll find an incredibly huge climbing frame with slides and swings. Next to the frame, there is also a sandbox.