The species-appropriate behavior of a rabbit includes e.g. digging and tinkering. In order for the rabbit to remain satisfied, it should be able to fulfill these species-specific needs. The rabbit is also a very mobile animal, so it needs a lot of space to bounce around. The rabbit is a social social animal, so it is good to have several individuals in the herd. Fast breeder Rabbits reproduce quickly, so it is necessary to regulate the birth rate. Rabbit reproduction differs from most mammals so that the female does not have a regular estrus period at all. Mating alone causes the release of the ovum. The pregnancy period lasts about a month, and immediately after giving birth, the rabbit is ready to become pregnant again. There are currently wild rabbit breeds in Finland that originated from runaway pet rabbits. Did you know? There are more than a hundred different breeds of domestic rabbits. The largest giant rabbits can weigh more than 10 kilograms, while the smallest representatives of the dwarf breeds weigh less than a kilogram.